
Train of thought

Your mind is a powerful tool. It integrates millions of different data points per second to give you the ability to absorb and interact with the world around you. It assesses, calculates, and envisions possibilities. It’s the filter through which you have every moment of your life experience. It really, really wants to help you

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What else is there

There’s a distinct possibility that in reading this post at this very moment, I’m not getting your full attention. Not to undermine my own efforts here, but is there somewhere else you should be right now? Something else your brain should be focused on? You know I love that you take the time to check

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Wise effort

You know how sometimes, the harder you work at something, the harder it seems to get it right? The farther you get from it and the longer it takes, the more frustrated you become, and then…it gets even harder to get it right. It’s like you get caught up in a cycle of misfiring, and

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