
For what it is

In this part of the world, this is the time of year when we reap the benefits of the seeds we’ve sown earlier in the year. It’s time to harvest, and experience abundance. Nature follows that rhythm, and because we’re nature, so do we. We plant seeds in the form of dreams and ideas, and […]

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Gotta have it

Last year around this time, I wrote a post about “acceptance, and the lack thereof.” Acceptance is a Buddhist concept often incorporated into mindfulness (which is not an explicitly Buddhist practice), that basically encourages you to be real about the circumstances around you. Struggling with whether things should or shouldn’t be the way they are

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Exactly right

This time of year can be full of highs and lows. The season itself is hectic, let alone all the end-of-semester/quarter/year work you need to manage. Some of you are hearing from business schools with decisions that impact your future, while others are still grinding on those essays or exams for January application deadlines. There’s

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Good for you

It’s so nice when good things happen to people who deserve them, isn’t it? It feels great to watch people who’ve worked hard for something finally see it happen. You know that awesome feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you get to witness their elation, and realize that their dreams are

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