Personal Growth

Fully charged

People say that darndest things, don’t they? I think that adage is actually about kids, but these days, it seems to apply as much to adults as preschoolers. There are a lot of big, important issues front and center in the world, and tensions are running high. Conversations easily turn into debates, and in the

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Slightly panicked

People come to me to learn about mindfulness for lots of different reasons. Sometimes they’re stressed, sometimes they want to supplement a wellness practice they already have, sometimes they just heard it’s cool and are curious. Lately, there’s been a theme to the inquiries, though. In a nutshell, I’ll call it “mindfulness in the moment.”

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Up and up

Not long ago, I found myself outside early one morning just as the sun was coming up. I had made a special effort that morning to catch a super early yoga class in my neighborhood. It’s one of those things that is so hard to motivate to do, and then once you have, you realize

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Terra firma

Maybe it’s just me. It might be. I doubt it, though. If it is just me, that would be ok, though. I might actually be a little relieved. I’ll put it out there just in case…does it seem like maybe lately, the world has kind of lost its mind? As in, many of the people

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