
Slightly panicked

People come to me to learn about mindfulness for lots of different reasons. Sometimes they’re stressed, sometimes they want to supplement a wellness practice they already have, sometimes they just heard it’s cool and are curious. Lately, there’s been a theme to the inquiries, though. In a nutshell, I’ll call it “mindfulness in the moment.” […]

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Up and up

Not long ago, I found myself outside early one morning just as the sun was coming up. I had made a special effort that morning to catch a super early yoga class in my neighborhood. It’s one of those things that is so hard to motivate to do, and then once you have, you realize

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Wrap it up

We’ve all heard the wisdom that “everything is temporary,” but the business school world offers an unusually high level of proof. It all starts the minute you see the word “Congratulations” in your email, and realize that you will, in fact, really (probably) be leaving your job to go back to school. From that point

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What else is there

There’s a distinct possibility that in reading this post at this very moment, I’m not getting your full attention. Not to undermine my own efforts here, but is there somewhere else you should be right now? Something else your brain should be focused on? You know I love that you take the time to check

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