Pema Chodron

Certainty not

  We human beings love control and like to think it’s possible to get our arms completely around the course of our lives. We’re always trying to “get on top of things,” so “by next week (next month, next season…never) things will have calmed down.” But, if there’s one thing that will show you who’s […]

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Ride it out

We live in time when things can change fast. Everything moves fast, from transportation to communication, and as a result, so do we. Our bodies move around from one place to the next, fulfilling jam-packed agendas, “multi-tasking” along the way. (You know I put that quotes because there’s really no such thing…see bullet #3.) Our

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Be, and then do

This has been a difficult week. That is an understatement. Regardless of your feelings about the state of affairs, we are facing division and uncertainty. My heart has been cracked in half by the pain of seeing people I love experiencing fear, distrust, and even hate. I am so very fortunate in my life to

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