

Let’s see if this sounds about right to you. Mindful people are centered and calm. Because they’re calm, they’re also pretty quiet. They don’t like to ruffle feathers, so they avoid conflict and never express challenging thoughts or ideas. Does that sound spot-on? If you’re nodding yes, don’t be alarmed, but…the answer is, not necessarily.

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Pretty messy

Most of us find our way to mindfulness because we’re looking to relax. It’s renowned for stress management, and you don’t have to wait long to see results in that regard. Even a short moment or two of a mindfulness practice can reduce your heart rate, slow a racing mind and shift your body out

Pretty messy Read More »

Anchors away

I’m guessing here, but chances are that you know yourself pretty well. Or, at least you think you do, to the extent that any of us can. You probably have a pretty clear idea of your preferences, tendencies, strengths, maybe even weaknesses, and how you typically engage with others in different situations. Now, we’ve talked

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