
As one does

You can deny it if you want to, but I know it’s true. So do you. You’re not the only one, though. Everyone feels the same way. Why wouldn’t you? We all want to be special. We all want to make our mark. We all want to live “the life less ordinary.” We are the

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Opposites attract

It’s not easy being a mindful MBA. You’re supposed to be collaborative, yet ambitious. Analytical, but also compassionate. Both strategic and flexible. Present, and also visionary. It’s a lot to even contemplate, let alone try to be. I’m stressed out just thinking about it, and that’s the opposite of the point, right? So, I’ve got

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Alternate route

I didn’t used to be a very good decision maker. I spent a lot of time weighing the pros and cons of different options, and somehow would still come away seeing how they all could work. What makes this especially ironic is that my job for over a decade was largely about making decisions, and

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