In the spirit?
Make the setback your set-up. Turn the lemons into lemonade. Look for the silver lining. Have I missed any? I’m sure I have.
Make the setback your set-up. Turn the lemons into lemonade. Look for the silver lining. Have I missed any? I’m sure I have.
I hope there’s been some celebrating underway for you this past week, regardless of your creed or culture. Even if you’re a member of the Holy Church of Nothing at All, you can at least find your way into a room full of someone else’s punch and cookies. Nothing wrong with that, as there seem
“No-Fail” Friday: On to the next Read More »
You are the key to your own happiness. See it, or seek it until you do. Photo credit: Ben Cheung
Our inspiration this Monday is pretty straightforward, but in some ways, it may also be more easily said (or thought?) than done. Getting the energy of your thoughts, actions and words to align can be tough, and you may not exactly know how to go about it. You definitely know when it’s not the case,
Monday Moment: Full alignment Read More »
Just because it’s Monday morning doesn’t mean you can’t start the week on a lighter note. Let yourself have a chuckle or two today if the opportunity arises — especially if it can be at yourself. There’s always some fun to be had, if you’re paying attention. 🙂
Monday Moment: Fun times Read More »
Sometimes it seems that the better the weekend, the tougher the Monday. I’m not just talking about, um, “dehydration” and its related side effects here. It’s mostly just that feeling of whiplash when you go from super relaxed back into “work mode.” It can be a rough transition. Today’s quote is a great reminder that
Monday Moment: Happy times Read More »