
Rinse and repeat

I made a decision just a few years ago from a place of profound darkness.  My heart was pretty beat up. I was in that place where we all find ourselves occasionally, full of the grief of mourning the failure of my own expectations. Years of being “just fine, thanks” and “deciding” to be happy […]

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Train of thought

Your mind is a powerful tool. It integrates millions of different data points per second to give you the ability to absorb and interact with the world around you. It assesses, calculates, and envisions possibilities. It’s the filter through which you have every moment of your life experience. It really, really wants to help you

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Ride it out

We live in time when things can change fast. Everything moves fast, from transportation to communication, and as a result, so do we. Our bodies move around from one place to the next, fulfilling jam-packed agendas, “multi-tasking” along the way. (You know I put that quotes because there’s really no such thing…see bullet #3.) Our

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All the feels

You’re a smart person, right? Yeah, for sure. Super smart. You’ve got a great brain, and you know how to use it. You trust that brain. It helps you makes sense of the world around you, cranks out thoughts, and more than occasionally – I’m guessing – creates a fresh idea or two (or ten).

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