
Up and up

Not long ago, I found myself outside early one morning just as the sun was coming up. I had made a special effort that morning to catch a super early yoga class in my neighborhood. It’s one of those things that is so hard to motivate to do, and then once you have, you realize

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Terra firma

Maybe it’s just me. It might be. I doubt it, though. If it is just me, that would be ok, though. I might actually be a little relieved. I’ll put it out there just in case…does it seem like maybe lately, the world has kind of lost its mind? As in, many of the people

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Power steering

Ambitious people are used to making things work. Their efforts may have to be extended or dialed up, and it may take multiple attempts and strategy shifts, but they are set on getting where they’re going. It’s just a matter of when. When you think about it, it’s strange that we call people like this

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