Points for light
May this season bring you moments of joy, peace and happiness, and may you be fully present for every, single one of them. Let the light in with gratitude, and spread it around you, now and all year long.
May this season bring you moments of joy, peace and happiness, and may you be fully present for every, single one of them. Let the light in with gratitude, and spread it around you, now and all year long.
End of a long week for you? Maybe a few late nights, for a variety of reasons? As we discussed earlier this week, ‘tis the season for draining your tank all the way to empty, only to judge yourself in the morning for how much is still on your plate to do, or maybe more
No-Fail Friday: Who loves you, baby? Read More »
This time of year can be full of highs and lows. The season itself is hectic, let alone all the end-of-semester/quarter/year work you need to manage. Some of you are hearing from business schools with decisions that impact your future, while others are still grinding on those essays or exams for January application deadlines. There’s
Most of us find our way to mindfulness because we’re looking to relax. It’s renowned for stress management, and you don’t have to wait long to see results in that regard. Even a short moment or two of a mindfulness practice can reduce your heart rate, slow a racing mind and shift your body out
Just a little reminder here to start your week that if we wait to be perfect before we “show up” for life, we’re going to be waiting a long time and missing a lot along the way. Of course, preparation is still a key to success when it comes to many aspects of MBA life, but in
Monday Moment: Pulled together Read More »
Good morning! It’s Monday, again, and the start of another week full of opportunities to be mindful, and act with intention. This quote is in keeping with our Friday quote last week (below), and our theme for this week, which is the differences among goals, intentions, outcomes, and “you.” As you go through this week, take
Monday Moment: Present perfect Read More »