Mindful living

Train of thought

Your mind is a powerful tool. It integrates millions of different data points per second to give you the ability to absorb and interact with the world around you. It assesses, calculates, and envisions possibilities. It’s the filter through which you have every moment of your life experience. It really, really wants to help you

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On Monday, I promised you that there was more to be said on the topic du jour, and promised we’d pick it up again later in the week. I made that commitment to you, in writing. So, I guess that means there’s no getting out of it. Not that I’d want to. I like writing

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Rise & shine

Here’s an observation that may not surprise you: it seems like a lot of people are starting out the year with a resolution to add a mindfulness or meditation practice to their routines. Of course, I’m more likely to be talking to people with that in mind, but still – I’ve heard it repeatedly. Naturally,

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