
Alternate route

I didn’t used to be a very good decision maker. I spent a lot of time weighing the pros and cons of different options, and somehow would still come away seeing how they all could work. What makes this especially ironic is that my job for over a decade was largely about making decisions, and

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We were thinking

There’s a lot of wisdom out there in the world about how it’s hard to see what you’re not looking for, and the importance of the eye of the beholder, etc. I give those ideas some time because I think there’s something to them, especially in a world where big data is constantly trying to

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Restricted area

Have you ever done one of those tests that are designed to help you figure out what you’re good at? They’re used a lot in career planning, and in my (coaching) world, and most of them give you this really nice, organized snapshot at the end with your “strengths” and “weaknesses,” as well as sometimes

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Last week we talked about the messy business of jealousy, and what it feels like to watch someone else achieve something that you’d really like to have gotten for yourself. It’s messy because it’s multi-dimensional. Jealousy starts out being directed towards someone else, but quickly comes right back atcha, getting mixed up with feelings of

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