
All’s well

Last week, we talked about being (or not being) a “short-timer,” and checking out of a situation before it’s actually ended just because you know the end is near. The time does eventually come, though, for things to wrap up. If you’ve been mindfully patient and checked-in during your final few weeks in a job,

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We’ve all heard the wisdom that “everything is temporary,” but the business school world offers an unusually high level of proof. It all starts the minute you see the word “Congratulations” in your email, and realize that you will, in fact, really be leaving your job. From that point forward, you embark upon a two-year

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Sorry (not sorry)

It’s not easy being perfect. Always being on point, never making a mistake, carrying the burden of always being right, even when others don’t see it that way. It’s a lot of work, keeping all that up. Of course you know I’m joking, as (despite what you may see in the news these days), few

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