Gather up
I’m completely shocked that it’s the holiday season already, partly because the longest year ever is somehow managing to move forward at a startling clip,
I’m completely shocked that it’s the holiday season already, partly because the longest year ever is somehow managing to move forward at a startling clip,
Taking a moment to step into a space I don’t speak directly about as much here, but one in which I happen to have a
This past week, I lined up and did the thing. It took about an hour because it was a nice Friday afternoon, and I don’t
A couple of weeks ago, inspired by this recent documentary, I did an audit of the apps on my phone, and basically broke them into 3
Make the setback your set-up. Turn the lemons into lemonade. Look for the silver lining. Have I missed any? I’m sure I have.
This week, I did a thing! Our MindfulMBA space expanded a bit just days ago (!!) with the addition of Tashi Collective, a virtual community
I read an article last week that took about 5 minutes to zip through. A week later, I’m thinking about those 5 minutes. Also, in
Hey there. I see you. How have you been these past few weeks? Holding it together, or trying? Not really? It’s ok. Most of the
I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately. They’re on Zoom of course, because where else do people talk? I’ve forgotten any other way. Lockdown-inspired
There’s a very particular kind of moment I have sometimes. I’ve had them as far back as high school, perhaps even farther. Maybe I’m not
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