This week, I did a thing! Our MindfulMBA space expanded a bit just days ago (!!) with the addition of Tashi Collective, a virtual community dedicated to mindfulness, movement, and real talk about big ideas. I’m so excited about this new creation, and reallllly jazzed to share it with you. And don’t worry…
MindfulMBA isn’t going anywhere! We’ve got a good thing here, and if you’re in the MBA/business space, I get why you might be into this vibe right here. You might like the new space, too, but you don’t have to choose. In fact, I’ve got a special student membership rate at Tashi Collective that’s even lower than our limited-time intro rate, just for those of you who are current students. Just message me to let me know, and I’ll get you set up with it.
Membership in TC offers unlimited access to a full schedule of events, including weekly mindfulness drop-in sessions, monthly discussion groups like Books+ Club and Local Experts sessions, as well as our ongoing fundraising events to support organizations doing great things in our communities.
We’re building slowly, but I’d be super grateful for your support! You can always follow along on IG, and see what you think.
If you’re like (yawwwwn, nah), I’ll be back here soon with my latest thoughts on #MBAlife that’s still #realmindful in the digital space, so fret not. But for today, I hope to see you over at the Collective!
Virtual hugs & high fives,