Monday Moment: Careful calibration

N waheed_fear of being you

The best approach this Monday morning is probably to just leave Ms. Waheed’s mic on the floor where she left if after this one. I mean….whoa. And, yup.

What if you started this week – busy and full and challenging as it may appear – full of gratitude for being the person who is capable of so many things? Imagine pouring your energy into the things that mean the most to you without the added layer of thinking about how you look, or sound, or how that conversation went, and are you being “just right” throughout all of it.

Yes to kindness and respect for your fellow humans. Yes to self-awareness and intentional living. Hard pass to self-consciousness and self-doubt that pulls your attention and energy away from the things that matter most to you, and onto something that is already as capable and beautiful and perfectly right as it needs to be.

If you’re going to pay attention to yourself, do it with gratitude. Do it with wonder. Most of all, do it with love.

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